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Il velo come scelta di fede

The veil as a choice of faith

Assalamu alaykum, my convert name is Khadija and I am 20 years old.

The day I started wearing the veil was a liberation for me.

When I was little, every time I saw a woman with a veil, I was dazzled and fascinated . Subhanallah, how many signs Allah sends us , alhamdulillah.

As I grew up, I increasingly realized that a God exists , but that Christianity did not represent me.

In middle school, I started reading a lot about Islam and felt my heart lighten with every word .

At 14, I met my now husband and from there I started to become even more interested in Islam.

I started dressing modestly and wearing my hair up so it wasn't visible, as it would be if I left it down. My desire to cover them increased day by day.

My sister-in-law gave me my first two veils, which I always wore to stay at home when I was alone.

On the nights of Ramadan, I would stay awake to do dhikr and du'a and ask Allah to help me do this step of the shahada.

My family saw all these changes in the way we dressed and ate and there was no shortage of classic jokes and phrases that I think all the converts have heard.

This hurt me, but at the same time it increased the thought that I was on the right path.

The videos I saw on YouTube of the reports they made against veiled women further excited me and I was very happy when I saw Keltum's interview, where he presented the Bologna shop.

At 18, I got married and did shahada.

During my last year at school, my classmates and teachers looked at me strangely because of the veil and the long dresses, but inside me there was so much joy and strength at finally being free to wear the veil that their comments slipped away from me .

This is my story, full of joy for finally being able to do what I've wanted to do for years.

I want to give advice to my sisters who have the desire to wear the veil but don't do it out of fear: don't be afraid, always be free because it is the most beautiful thing. Judgments, comments, dirty looks will always come no matter what you do . Allah subhana wa ta'ala knows what is in your heart, do not disappoint it for fear of people.

May Allah help you and give you strength, yarbi.

Are you ready to share your story of how you decided to wear the hijab?

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