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La determinazione di Jamsine

Jamsine's determination

Hi girls, my name is Jamsine. I am a 14 year old girl and I live in Forlì, but I have Moroccan origins.

It's been a year since I started wearing the hijab.

It was a totally independent decision.

My mother wears the veil, but she never forced me to wear it and she gave me my space. I got to a certain point in my life where I knew it was time. Consider that only a year has passed, but I still received a lot of criticism from people who didn't accept me for this decision of mine. I knew how to deal with them, even if it was difficult. Even now they tell me I won't be able to do it and I will take it off because I'm still small, but I'm sure of myself.

I have to tell you the truth: this year has been very difficult. It was my first summer wearing the hijab. I managed to get used to it, but initially I had a lot of problems because I saw people going to the beach and I didn't. Then I discovered burkinis and realized there was a solution to everything.

Even with regards to sport, I managed to continue the path and now I cultivate my passion for volleyball. Thanks for your support.

Halalina number one!

Allah ma3akom!

Are you ready to share your story of how you decided to wear the hijab?

Your testimony might help girls who are considering the idea of ​​wearing the Hijab , offering them an authentic and real point of view. Besides, they might as well promote greater understanding and acceptance within our communities and society at large .

We are curious to hear it, write it to us now on whatsapp ---> 331 906 3774 or by email to

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